Congratulations!Good news of the Wolf Warriors Club of Esdlumen 2020
6月1日早上,在抖音神曲《少年》和華仔《十七歲》的歌聲中,易事達戰狼俱樂部頒獎儀式隆重召開。易事達2020年銷售精英戰狼俱樂部新晉成員——歐洲區Molly夜月狼在一片掌聲中登上了領獎臺,分享了自己的晉級心得。(The new member of Esdlumen’s sales elite Wolf Warriors Club, Molly, walks to the podium and share her successful experience.)
在全球疫持續肆虐的上半年,如何拿下千萬訂單?即便是在疫情期間,夜月狼也是信心滿滿。(Although during the epidemic, Molly was still full of confidence.)疫情的到來,雖然給LED顯示行業帶來了巨大的影響,但是危局之中也有機遇:疫情期間,客戶能夠有更多的時間來了解易事達品牌與產品,疫情并沒有中斷客戶的合作,只是稍微延遲了一下而已。(But there are also opportunities that exist in challenges. During the epidemic, our clients also had more time to know about Esdlumen’s brand and products. The epidemic can’t prevent us from cooperating with our clients; it just postponed the cooperation time.)
堅持與用心,是夜月狼對自己成功經驗的總結。良好的客戶關系,專業的業務知識,外加上極具競爭力的產品,讓客戶在疫情期間也沒有放棄對易事達和夜月狼的信任。(With good customer relationships, professional business knowledge, and competitive products, our clients didn’t give up the trust in Esdlumen and Molly.)疫情并沒有消滅LED顯示市場,它只是暫時抑制了客戶的購買欲望,在疫情稍微放緩的5月,客戶果然就下了大單。
隨著疫情在全球范圍內的逐步放緩,崇尚狼性競爭的易事達銷售精英們必將突破疫情的重重困阻,再創輝煌,他們之中也必將會有更多的成員晉級戰狼俱樂部的榮耀殿堂。在戰狼俱樂部的帶領之下,易事達銷售團隊必定會成為全球LED顯示屏行業回暖潮流中的第一波巨浪。(Furthermore, our Wolf Warriors Club will also lead Esdlumen’s sales team, and dedicate our strength to make the oversea market of the LED display industry revival.)